Friday, 13 May 2011

Terrorists win!

USA has finally shot down the Number One Terrorist, the most evil and feared man on earth... Or so they are trying to make us believe.

Why don't i believe that USA has killed Osama Bin Laden? Well, there are two big reasons. First of all, there's simply too much information that simply doesn't quite make up the picture. They track him down, get into a fierce fight and then kill him. Those brave SEALs guys (or whoever the fuck it was) do the Rambo thing, the whole world applauds, everyone's happy.

The biggest secret is... Why the fuck did they dump him at sea?! No, seriously, what the fuck? Aren't we supposed to see the guy? Is USA really expecting us to believe that they killed the enemy number one of the whole fucking world, and then dumped him to the sea just like that?

To me it looks kinda fishy. It is clear that the guys were doing something there, but Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with that. He didn't, and that's why they "buried the body in the sea" - no body, no problem. Hell, when Saddam Hussein was captured, they were broadcasting his execution to the whole fucking world - and now they get bin Laden and just dump him in the sea?

However, there is another reason i don't believe USA has killed Osama bin Laden. And the reason is that i don't think he ever existed. There may very well be Osama bin Laden somewhere in the Arab world, or even somewhere in the bin Laden family, but he wasn't the guy on the videos, he didn't bomb the Twin Towers and he didn't start no Al Quaeda. This whole bin Laden thing is just a hoax.

USA needed Pearl Harbour as an excuse to enter WWII. USA needed an excuse to enter Vietnam war, so they provoked an attack on their ships. USA needed an excuse to invade Iraq and start the whole "War on Terror" thing, so they allowed someone to bomb the WTC. It may not be an inside job, but to think that USA government had nothing to do with that is just pure nonsense. There are no terrorists, there is no Al Quaeda, there are no weapons of mass destruction, Islamic jihad or whatever. This is just one big pile of bullshit. What is the goal - we can only guess. Most probably money.

After all, what is so hard about asking a fellow Arab family (bin Ladens and Bush families are long time friends) to "lend" their name to a fictional terrorist, who would then be used as an excuse to bomb USA, invade a few Middle Eastern countries and make more money? Sounds like a plan to me.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

iSpy with my little eye

Recently, another technological privacy-related scandal hit the news - this time it's Apple and its iPhone. Turns out, it tracks users' every step and gathers locational data. This is becoming something of a trend now - Google Buzz and Google Street View being particularly notorious.

However, what's most amusing is the reaction of public. Public goes "oh, iPhone tracks me? So what, i got nothing to hide". This is exactly the attitude that got every US and UK citizen under constant surveillance. I am not going to go on and tell you how much surevillance sucks and why exactly does it suck. If people don't give a fuck, that does not mean it is a good idea to exploit their ignorance.

No less amusing is the reaction of Apple. Apple first goes "no, this is bullshit, it's not tracking anyone", and then goes "uuuh, sorry, here's a patch that disables tracking".

What the fuck is that?! They, like what, didn't know?! Apple happened to not know that their own flagship product intentionally tracks people's location? Of course they knew. And they would get away with it if it wasn't for hackers to tear the OS apart and discover that thing. That is precisely why manufacturers are afraid of hackers - because they might have better skills than Apple's (Sony's, whatever) guys, and they aren't in it for the money.

However, this underlines a deeper problem. First of all, why this is happening at all?! Why manufacturers are allowed to get away with that shit? Why every device out there is trying to track its user's location? Government officials having access to such technology - OK, fair enough, i can at least relate to that (crime fighting and all), but private companies?! Come on guys, let's give any Tom, Dick and Harry my geolocational data, let us all live in harmony.

And second, why, when it is proven to be true, manufacturers can get away with "sorry, here's a patch"?! Next time someone catches me downloading movies from torrents i'll go "um, sorry, look - i deleted the movie".

No, seriously, this is bullshit. Aren't there any laws concerning misleading marketing materials? Of course, one can say that the words of Apple officials aren't considered marketing materials, but then what are they, if not another pile of marketing bullshit? When the company makes an official statement that is then proven to be not only wrong, but was an act of deliberate misinformation - shouldn't the company be held accountable for its irresponsible actions concerning such a sensitive topic and for trying to hide the facts so blatantly, when even software that reads that data was already released?

Maybe it's time for us to finally realize what open-source really means. Many eyes doesn't necessarily means more security, but at least it would be impossible to pull off a stunt similar to Apple's recent achievements.